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Decorations User Guide

The Morphir IR contains all the domain models and business logic that you defined in your model but sometimes you want to add more information that cannot be captured in the language. Decorations provide a way to assign additional information to any part of the domain model or business logic that is stored in a separate (sidecar) file. The shape of the decoration is defined in Morphir as well and stored using the standard JSON serialization format that all Morphir tools integrate with.

Now let's see how you can set them up. This can be done in a few easy steps:

Create or find a Decoration Schema​

The first thing you will need is a Morphir IR that describes the shape of the decoration. If you want to use an existing decoration you just need to make sure you have access to the morphir-ir.json for it. If you want to create your own decoration, you just need to set up another morphir project, define types that describe what you want and generate a morphir-ir.json using morphir make.

Set up the decoration for your model​

Decorations can be configured in the morphir-ir.json. The decorations field is a simple object where you can list out one or more decorations using an arbitrary key (it will only be used as an internal identifier within this project):

"name": "My.Package",
"sourceDirectory": "src",
"decorations": {
"myDecoration": {
"displayName": "My Amazing Decoration",
"ir": "decorations/my/morphir-ir.json",
"entryPoint": "My.Amazing.Decoration:Foo:Shape",
"storageLocation": "my-decoration-values.json"

Each decoration section should include:

  • a display name which will be used in Morphir Web
  • an entry point which is a reference to the type that describes the shape of your decoration
    • this should be in the form of a fully-qualified name with the package name, module name and local name separated by :
  • a path to the IR file containing your type model
    • the entry point specified above needs to align exactly with the IR specified here so make sure that:
      • the name of the package defined in the morphir.json of this IR matches with the first part of the entry point
      • there is a module in the IR that matches the second part of the entry point
      • there is a type in that module that matches the third part of the entry point
  • a storage location that specifies where the decoration data will be saved

Using the morphir decoration-setup Command​

The above step can be automated using the morphir decoration-setup command from the location containing the decoration IR. You can also provide the path to the decoration IR using the -i flag

Start adding decorations​

Once this is all set up you can use Morphir Web to start adding decorations on your model. First you need to run morphir-elm develop and open a browser at the specified port on localhost. In the UI you will see a "Decorations" tab on the right as you click through modules/types and values. The tab should display all the decorations you specified with editors that allow you to specify values.

Every edit is saved automatically as you make changes in the file you specified in the config (storageLocation field). If you open the file you should see something like this:

"My.Package:Foo:bar": ...,
"My.Package:Baz:bat": ...

It's an object with a node id that identifies the part of the model that you put the decoration on, and a value that you specified in the UI.

Consuming Existing Decoration Schemas​

You may also want to use existing decoration schema available in the NPM repository. Once you've found and installed the decoration schema, you can run the morphir decoration-setup command to set up the decorations. Then you can start adding decorations