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Enum (Discriminated Union) Encoding

Given the following Scala types and values:

// Types:
case class OneStreamSink(topic: String)
sealed trait Sink
object Sink {
case class OneStream(sinkData: OneStreamSink) extends Sink
case object ConsoleLog extends Sink

// Values:
val os = Sink.OneStream(OneStreamSink(topic = "123"))
val oc = Sink.ConsoleLog

and the equivalent in Morphir/ELM:

-- Types
type alias OneStreamSink = { topic: String }
type Sink =
OneStream {- sinkData: -} OneStreamSink
| ConsoleLog

-- Values:
os: Sink
os = OneStream { topic = "123" }

oc: Sink
oc = ConsoleLog

The value os would be represented in the Morphir data-model as the following:

val os = Data.Case(
values = List(
EnumLabel.Named("sinkData") ->
Data.Record(L("topic") -> Data.String("123"))
enumLabel = "OneStream",
shape = enumConcept /* will be described in just a minute */

Note how the OneStream enum fields sinkData is represented as EnumLabel.Named("sinkData"). Not all languages support the naming for enum fields. As you can see in the Morphir/ELM example abovem it is commented out. Therefore instead of EnumLabel.Named("sinkData") in the Moprhir-data model, it would be represented as EnumLabel.Empty.

val os = Data.Case(
values = List(
EnumLabel.Empty ->
Data.Record(L("topic") -> Data.String("123"))
enumLabel = "OneStream",
shape = enumConcept /* will be described in just a minute */

The value oc would be represented as the following:

// val oc: Sink = Sink.ConsoleLog // (Scala)
// oc = ConsoleLog // (Morphir/ELM)

val oc = Data.Case(
values = List()
enumLabel = "ConsoleLog",
shape = enumConcept /* will be described in just a minute */

On a schema-level the Concept for this enum would be the following:

name = "Sink",
cases = List(
fields = List(
EnumLabel.Named("sinkData") ->
Concept.Record(L("topic") -> Concept.String)
fields = List()