Record (Case Class) Encoding
Scala Case Classes and Morphir/ELM records are represented as the Data.Record type. Given the following Scala values:
case class Person(name: String, age: Int)
val joe = Person("Joe", 123)
and the equivalent Morphir/ELM value:
person: { name: String, age: Int }
person = { name = "Joe", age = 123 }
The Data and Concept that represents the above is as follows:
values = List(
L("name") -> Data.String("Joe"),
L("age") -> Data.Int(123)
shape = Concept.Record(
values = List(
L("name") -> Concept.String
L("age") -> Concept.Int
The fields of records may themselves be records (as well as collections, enums, or any other kind of Data object). Given the following Scala data:
case class Name(first: String, last: String)
case class Person(name: Name, age: Int)
val joe = Person(Name("Joe", "Bloggs"), 123)
and the equivalent Morphir/ELM data:
type alias Name = { first: String, last: String }
joe: { name: Name, age: Int }
joe = {
name = { first = "Joe", last = "Bloggs" },
age = 123
The data is represented as the following:
values = List(
L("name") -> Data.Record(L("first") -> "Joe", L("last") -> "Bloggs")
L("age") -> Data.Int32(123)
concept = Concept.Record(
L("name") ->
Data.Record(L("first") -> Concept.String, L("last") -> Concept.String)
L("age") ->